
Fintech Partnerships: Ami Iceman of MSUFCU and Ben Maxim of Reseda Group

January 18, 2024 With Finopotamus Co-Founder John San Filippo Season 2 Episode 1

Reseda Group is a wholly owned fintech investment CUSO of Michigan State Federal Credit Union. Reseda only invests in companies/products that are or will be deployed at the credit union. As such, companies that receive a Reseda investment get much more than money; they get the assurance that their solutions will be rigorously tested and implemented in a large, technologically sophisticated credit union.

In this episode of TechSolutions4CUs, Iceman and Maxim explain to host John San Filippo how the credit union, the CUSO and the fintechs work closely together for the betterment of the entire credit union industry.

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